Quality Service
In order to improve air quality, protect the environment by minimizing emissions of Co2, bad ozone, El Nino& 5 other common air pollutant constituents from vehicle exhaust tailpipes.
Quality Service
In order to improve air quality, protect the environment by minimizing emissions of Co2, bad ozone, El Nino& 5 other common air pollutant constituents from vehicle exhaust tailpipes.
Expert Team
I am an inventor of Clean-Energy Technology from Pondcherry India. I am basically an automative technician and my empirical knowledge and several years of Scientific Research have led to inventions in Automobile sector.
Expert Team
I am an inventor of Clean-Energy Technology from Pondcherry India. I am basically an automative technician and my empirical knowledge and several years of Scientific Research have led to inventions in Automobile sector.
Excellent Support
The internal &external combustion process and its imperfections are seriously affecting the performance of an engine & power plant and thereby obscure the effects of major losses and also mainly contribute to air pollution.
Excellent Support
The internal &external combustion process and its imperfections are seriously affecting the performance of an engine & power plant and thereby obscure the effects of major losses and also mainly contribute to air pollution.
Quantum and Dynamic Control of Molecular Combustion Process - Better engagement with public and stakeholders - ‘Onward from UNFCCC’s sustainable environment tech’ An appeal.
Quantum and Dynamic Control of Molecular Combustion Process - Better engagement with public and stakeholders - ‘Onward from UNFCCC’s sustainable environment tech’ An appeal.
About Us

The Best Solutions for Best Business Services Solutions

I am an inventor of Clean Energy Technology from Pondcherry India. I am basically an automative technician and my empirical knowledge and several years of Scientific Research have led to inventions in Automobile sector. Your kind office may refer to my initial U.S. Patent number US 6640779 B1 Low-cost fuel and lubricant claim no: 11,12,13,14 which is self explanatory.

  • Finance
  • Defence
  • Railways
  • Steel
  • Health & Family Welfare
  • Heavy Industries and Public Enterprise
  • Power ( Diesel Generator)
  • Transport and Highway
Our Services

Dealing in Fuel Research Economy Business Services Solutions

This is known as” Marimuthu Ramu Thiyagarajan Synergy Technological (MRTSTS) idealized model, with continuous improvement in the development of the tech in all petrol, diesel and cocking gas (LPG and LNG) driven vehicles

Dealing in Fuel Research Economy Services

In order to secure Mother Earth, Natural Fuels, nature and technology to “produce more energy than it requires to operate” means Output Exceeds Input in any Internal Combustion Engine’s (ICE), with petroleum fuels, resulting in Actually–doubled fuel economy, Speed performance, zero emissions” for petroleum to consumers, a steady income to producers and a fair return on capital for those investing in the oil, marine, auto and other related industry, including Space mission and racing tech.

With abundant benefits to taken one reference platform as current petroleum fuels and in existing vehicles:

(i) Actually, double the fuel mileage
(ii) Acutually, double the vehicle speed performance,
(iii) Further through MRTSTS invention the life of engine, under-chassis and tire mileage has been increased considerable with reducing Noise, Vibration, Harshness  Hesitation also, through inventor’s long research work and have developed a mechanism to safeguard the accident-free vehicles, catastrophic to certain extent.(iv) In order to improve air quality, protect the environment by minimizing emissions of Co2, bad ozone, El Nino& 5 other common air pollutant constituents from vehicle exhaust tailpipes.
(v) In addition to the above points, the emissions contain very needful medical properties in it that will reduce the burden of diseases. Which have commercial value.
(vi) This also applies for Electric current machines and vehicles.

Domestic Cooking Gas for Women’s Health

Here’s an one more example, The direct connection between mild “respiratory disease” such as headaches, sore throats, breathlessness, itching eyes, blood pressure, and general lack of energy “the ancient teachers have always told that Head is priority for our human body” and air breathing Internal Combustion Engine and cooking Gas combustion stove’s by-products inhibit the normal healthy metabolism of any organism like human being.


This is known as” Marimuthu Ramu Thiyagarajan Synergy Technological (MRTSTS) idealized model, with continuous improvement in the development of the tech in all petrol, diesel and cocking gas (LPG and LNG) driven vehicles.

In order to secure Mother Earth, Natural Fuels, nature and technology to “produce more energy than it requires to operate” means Output Exceeds Input in any Internal Combustion Engine’s (ICE), with petroleum fuels, resulting in Actually–doubled fuel economy, Speed performance.

To Regulate proper climate cycle to maintain monsoon rainfall to sustain adequate water level in reservoirs and rivers for agriculture, drinking water and recharge ground water level fulfilling hunger and thirsty especially of poor folk

Further through MRTSTS invention the life of engine, under-chassis and tire mileage has been increased considerable with reducing Noise, Vibration, Harshness & Hesitation also, through inventor’s long research work and have developed a mechanism to safeguard the accident-free vehicles, catastrophic to certain extent.

Contact Us

Please fill the form below

M.R.Thiyagarajan, Inventor, (Fuel Economy Thiyagarajan) No.54, 3rd Cross Street, Thirumal Nagar, Puducherry 605 013, INDIA. E-mail: mrtenergytechnology@gmail.com

Call us at: +91 9443235351